Lesbian Speaking
The goal of this podcast is to bring forth the stories about every day members of the LGBTQ community. Invited guests will be interviewed to highlight their experiences in all aspects of their life’s journey. All are welcome, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer, non-binary as well as all allies. Please also visit my TikTok @lesbianspeaking. For topic suggestions please email li@lesbianspeaking.com
Podcasting since 2021 • 17 episodes
Lesbian Speaking
Latest Episodes
Chris M Lyon with Relationships, Healing and Hypnosis
Chris M. Lyon is an intuitive personal and executive Coach and Board Certified Hypnotist, Certified in Applied Neuroscience and Brain Health. She is also a relationship Author and Facilitator. She’s been helping clients get results with relatio...
Season 2
Episode 3

Jamie Andrea Garzot, Author of Unconventional, a Memoir of Entrepreneurism, Politics, and Pot
Jamie Andrea Garzot speaks about her book, Unconventional. This book details her life as a cannabis entrepreneur, industry pioneer, city official and even CEO. With limited experience, Jamie has created a successful business model for can...
Season 2
Episode 2

Why I Started Watching Sister Wives
As you probably heard, Paedon Brown did cancel the interview. I completely understand his choice and have offered a safe platform in the future when he is ready.I did promise some requested content in place of the interview. I am asked so m...
Season 2
Episode 1

Chris Thompson from Unfiltered Friends Podcast
Deep conversations with my TikTok friend Chris (@Supdaily). As a veteran in social media, Chris has seen a lot and learned quite a few lessons throughout the years. His journey for personal growth is an inspiration and he makes me think about t...
Season 1
Episode 17